What to Expect During Your Eye Exam
If it has been a while since your last eye exam or if this is your first time, it is natural to feel a little anxious. However, there is nothing to worry about as eye exams are quick, painless, and non-invasive procedures. This piece will outline what to expect during an eye exam. Medical History and Vision Tests: Before the exam, your eye doctor will ask you about any medical issues you may have and any prescription medications you are taking.
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What To Know About Children & Cataract Surgery
As a parent, you know that hearing your child may need cataract surgery is frightening. The good news is that cataract surgery is a safe and effective way to restore your child's vision. With proper care and follow-up, many children can enjoy completely normal eyesight after the procedure. If your child may be undergoing cataract surgery, here's what you need to know. What Are Cataracts in Children? Cataracts are caused by a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision.
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Do You Need New Glasses If You Feel Your Eyes Haven't Changed?
Has it been what seems like eons since you last had an eye exam? Are you due for new glasses but you don't see the need to get them because you feel you see just fine? Poor eyesight can cause strain in your eyes and forehead and can cause headaches, fatigue, and other physical issues. You need an eye exam and possibly new glasses if any of the following apply to you, even if you feel like your eyes are fine.
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The Fundamentals of Progressive Lenses: Tips for First-Time Wearers
Although most people think of the traditional bifocal lens when they think about needing different visual help for reading versus distance, there's been a lot of progress in vision correction over the last few decades, including alternatives to the small space provided by bifocals for reading. Progressive lenses are one of those alternatives. If your optometrist recommended a progressive lens after your last eye exam, here's a look at what you should know.
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Make The Most Of Your Eye Exam With These Tips
Every healthy adult should see an optometrist for periodic check-ups. People who wear glasses and contacts and those with eye diseases should see their eye doctors more frequently. Here are some tips that will help you make the most of your next eye exam: 1. Let your eye doctor know the date of your last eye exam. If you're seeing a new eye doctor, or it's been a few years since your last eye exam, be sure to tell your eye doctor the date of your last exam.
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Important Ways To Keep Your Eyes Healthy
Being able to enjoy good vision is a benefit that you shouldn't take for granted. If you want to continue to enjoy good vision, you need to understand how to take proper care of your eyes. Check In With an Eye Doctor First, it is essential to see an eye doctor, even if you feel your vision is perfectly fine. Many eye conditions don't have warning signs that you will notice on your own; however, an eye doctor can assess early warning signs for eye conditions.
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Why Does Your Eye Look Like It's Bleeding?
If you've ever woken up to a large red spot in the white of your eye, you know it can be a scary moment. If you haven't yet had that experience, here's a bit of advice: Don't panic. A broken blood vessel in the eye is a common occurrence and most likely not a cause for worry. But not always. Here's what you need to know, what to watch out for, and when to call your optometrist.
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Top Reasons To Schedule An Appointment To See An Ophthalmologist
Many adults see an optometrist for regular eye exams, corrective lenses (either eyeglasses or contact lenses), or to receive treatment for minor eye issues. However, there are situations where one may need to see an ophthalmologist instead of an optometrist. While optometrists go through extensive schooling and training in order to become licensed to practice optometry, an ophthalmologist is a medical doctor who has completed medical school and a residency. Thus, ophthalmologists typically treat more complex eye disorders and conditions.
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Itchy, Burning, Dry, Or Watery Eyes? What You Need To Do
If you are experiencing any issues with your eyes that are getting in the way of you seeing on a day-to-day basis, it's time to get to the optometrist for an eye exam and for whatever treatment is necessary in order for you to see properly. Continuing to go through every day without being able to see properly can cause a number of other issues, including extra stress, headaches, and worsening vision problems.
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Eye Exam Services
How long has it been since you've had your vision checked? Maybe you are great at going to your dentist every six months, and maybe you are even consistent about your one-year health exam with your family doctor. But, when you think about it, perhaps it has been way too long since you've had your eyes checked. if you have never worn glasses before and you are around forty years old, or even younger, you might find that your eyesight is not as good as it used to be.
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