• Eye Exam Services

    How long has it been since you've had your vision checked? Maybe you are great at going to your dentist every six months, and maybe you are even consistent about your one-year health exam with your family doctor. But, when you think about it, perhaps it has been way too long since you've had your eyes checked.  if you have never worn glasses before and you are around forty years old, or even younger, you might find that your eyesight is not as good as it used to be.
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  • Signs You Need Eye Exam, Even If You Don'T Have Eye Problems

    You don't have to experience eye problems to seek an eye exam. For example, eye problems sometimes manifest themselves in other parts of the body. Here are some signs that mean you should get an eye exam even if your eyes feel okay. Headaches Headaches (especially cluster or migraine headaches) may be a symptom of eye problems. Such headaches usually affect the front of the face. The headaches occur because your eye muscles are weak and have to work extra hard to help your eyes focus on things.
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